TOP 100

University Ranking by Student Global Performance in global INSPIRELI World Architecture University Ranking

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Overall University Ranking

4 CTU in Prague - Faculty of Civil Engineering 222 Czech Republic
5 USEK - Holy spirit University of Kaslik 216 Lebanon
6 CTU in Prague - Faculty of Architecture 194 Czech Republic
7 Politecnico di Milano, Polytechnic University of Milan, School of Design 164 Italy
8 Faculty of Architecture and Design STU in Bratislava 162 Slovakia
9 Ecole Africaine des Métiers d'Architecture et d'Urbanisme (EAMAU) a Lomé (Togo) 148 Togo
10 UACEG - University of Architecture, Civil Engineering and Geodesy, Sofia, Bulgaria 118 Bulgaria
11 Premier University, Chittagong. 108 Bangladesh
12 Polytechnic University of Tirana, Faculty of Architecture and Urbanism 106 Albania
13 CIU 102 Cyprus
14 University of Moratuwa (UoM), Faculty of Architecture, Department of Architecture, Moratuwa 100 Sri Lanka
15 Silesian University of Technology, (Politechnika Śląska), Faculty of Architecture, Gliwice 80 Poland
16 Ilia state university 78 Georgia
17 Benghazi University, Faculty of Engineering, Department of Architecture and Urban Planning, Benghazi 76 Libya
18 University of Pécs, Faculty of Engineering and IT, Institute of Architecture (UP FEIT IA) 74 Hungary
19 West Pomeranian University of Technology, Faculty of Architecture 70 Poland
20 UACS | University American College Skopje 62 Macedonia
21 The Chinese University of Hong Kong, School of Architecture, Hong Kong 60 Hong Kong
22 Ebla Private University 60 Syrian Arab Republic
23 Brest State Technical University 56 Belarus
24 Kamalolmolk Art and Architecture University 56 Islamic Republic of Iran
25 Aswan university 56 Egypt
26 University of Malaya (UM), Faculty of the Built Environment (FBE), Kuala Lumpur 54 Malaysia
27 AVU 54 Czech Republic
28 Académie libanaise des Beaux-Arts, Faculty of Architecture 54 Lebanon
29 Poltava National Technik University, Yuri Kondratyuk Poltava Polytechnic, Architectural Department, Poltava 54 Ukraine
30 Tabriz Islamic Art University (TIAU), Faculty of Art & Architecture, Tabriz 54 Islamic Republic of Iran
31 School of Visual Arts | New York NY 52 United States of America
32 University of Nebraska-Lincoln 52 United States of America
33 Technical University of Munich 52 Germany
34 VIA University Collage 52 Denmark
35 Yerevan State University of Architecture and Construction, National University of Architecture and Construction of Armenia 52 Armenia
36 University of Portsmouth 52 United Kingdom
37 Sint-Lucas School of Architecture (Sint-Lucas Architectuur, Hogeschool voor Wetenschap & Kunst) (Brussels – Ghent) – dpt. Architectuur 50 Belgium
38 University of Costa Rica, School of Architecture, San José 50 Costa Rica
39 Catholic University of Colombia, Faculty of Architecture, RIBA 50 Colombia
40 Newcastle University, Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences, School of Architecture, Planning and Landscape, Newcastle upon Tyne 50 United Kingdom
41 Architecture Association 50 United Kingdom
42 Saint Petersburg Academy of Arts 50 Russian Federation
43 SPŠ stavební Hradec Králové 48 Czech Republic
44 IAUCTB 42 Islamic Republic of Iran
45 Gdańsk Technical University (Politechnika Gdańska), Faculty of Architecture, Gdańsk 34 Poland
46 SLIIT 32 Sri Lanka
47 University for Business and Technology - UBT 32 Kosovo
48 SPŠ stavební Josefa Gočára 32 Czech Republic
49 Istanbul Kültür University, Faculty of Architecture, Istanbul 30 Turkey
50 Technical University of Moldova, Urbanism and Architecture Faculty 28 Moldova
51 PPWSZ / Podhalańska Państwowa Wyższa Szkoła Zawodowa w Nowym Targu 26 Poland
52 UNPAR 26 Indonesia
53 FA VUT - Brno University of Technology, Faculty of Architecture 26 Czech Republic
54 Szent István University - Ybl Miklós Faculity of Architecture 26 Hungary
55 Piloo Modi College of Architecture,ABIT, Cuttack, Orissa 24 India
56 Institute of Engineering 22 Nepal
57 University of Cape Town, School of Architecture, Planning and Geomatics, Cape Town 22 South Africa
58 Kazan State University of architecture and engineering, Institute of Architecture and Design, Faculty of Architecture 22 Russian Federation
59 University of Belgrade, Faculty of Architecture, Belgrade, Serbia 22 Serbia
60 Ahmadu Bello University, Zaria, Nigeria 22 Nigeria
61 Budapest University of Technology and Economics 22 Hungary
62 University of Pisa 22 Italy
63 STU in Bratislava - Faculty of Civil Engineering 22 Slovakia
64 University of Petra 20 Jordan
65 UAUIM - Ion Mincu University of Architecture and Urban Planning 20 Romania
66 COMSATS Institute of Information Technology, Department of Architecture and Design, Islamabad 18 Pakistan
67 Amity School of Architecture and Planning 18 India
68 The University of Strathclyde Department of Architecture, Glasgow, Scotland 16 United Kingdom
69 MEF University 16 Turkey
70 Military Institute of Science and Technology 16 Bangladesh
71 University of Nairobi, Department of Architecture, Faculty of Architecture and Design 14 Kenya
72 VSB - Technical university of Ostrava 14 Czech Republic
73 Pamukkale University 14 Turkey
74 University of Ljubljana, Faculty of architecture, Ljubljana 14 Slovenia
75 TUK - Technical University of Kosice, Faculty of Arts 14 Slovakia
76 mekelle university 14 Ethiopia
77 School of Planning and Architecture, Vijayawada 14 India
78 Střední průmyslová škola stavební - SPŠS České Budějovice 14 Czech Republic
79 Iowa State University 12 United States of America
80 Università degli studi di Genova 12 Italy
81 SUŠ a SUPŠ Hodonín 12 Czech Republic
82 Pontificia Universidad Católica del Ecuador, Facultad de Arquitectura, Diseno y Artes 12 Ecuador
83 Ardhi university 12 Tanzania
84 Jomo Kenyatta University of Agriculture and Technology, School of Architecture and Building Sciences, Department of Architecture 12 Kenya
85 School of Planning and Architecture, Bhopal 12 India
86 University of Karachi, Architecture Program, Department of Visual Studies 10 Pakistan
87 Azad Islamic University of Tehran Markaz 10 Islamic Republic of Iran
88 City University of Hong Kong 10 Hong Kong
89 University of Patras, School of Engineering, Department of Architecture, Patras 10 Greece
90 Sapienza University of Rome 10 Italy
91 Kuban State University 10 Russian Federation
92 ASADI 10 India
93 Kuban State University - Faculty of Architecture 10 Russian Federation
94 TUL - Technical University of Liberec, Faculty of Architecture 10 Czech Republic
95 School of Architecture of the University Dr. José Matias Delgado 10 El Salvador
96 Universidad Católica de Pernambuco 10 Brazil
97 Tribhuvan University 8 Nepal
98 University of Illinois Urbana Champaign 8 United States of America
99 Miami University 8 United States of America
100 soore University 8 Islamic Republic of Iran

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