TOP 100

University Ranking by Student Global Performance in global INSPIRELI World Architecture University Ranking

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Asia University Ranking

4 University of Kurdistan, دانشگاه کردستان 100 Islamic Republic of Iran
5 Beijing University of Civil Engineering and Architecture 88 China
6 Ciputra University (UC / Universitas Ciputra) 78 Indonesia
7 Nagoya Institute of Technology Faculty of Engineering, Architecture & Design Department 58 Japan
8 University of Architecture Ho Chi Minh city 54 Viet Nam
9 Georgian Technical University 50 Georgia
10 Sushant School of Art and Architecture, Gurgaon 50 India
11 Applied Science Private University 50 Jordan
12 School of Architecture, Government College of Engineering, Trichur, Kerala 50 India
13 University of Science and Culture 40 Islamic Republic of Iran
14 University of Moratuwa (UoM), Faculty of Architecture, Department of Architecture, Moratuwa 38 Sri Lanka
15 Bangladesh University of Engineering & Technology, Department of Architecture, Faculty of Architecture and Planning, Dhaka 32 Bangladesh
16 National Yunlin University of Science and Technology - 雲林科技大學 32 Taiwan, Province of China
17 Beirut Arab university, Faculty of Architecture, Tripoli 28 Lebanon
18 National Cheng Kung University, College of Planning & Design, Department of Architecture, Tainan City 24 Taiwan, Province of China
19 Guangzhou University (广州大学) 22 China
20 Dalian University of Technology (大连理工大学) 22 China
21 Southeast University (SEU), School of Architecture, Nanjing, Jiangsu Province 22 China
22 Islamic Azad University, South Tehran Branch, Faculty of Arts and Architecture 18 Islamic Republic of Iran
23 University of Karachi, Architecture Program, Department of Visual Studies 16 Pakistan
24 Ahsanullah University of Science and Technology 14 Bangladesh
25 Duhok University - Collage of engineering - Architectural Department 14 Iraq
26 IAUCTB 12 Islamic Republic of Iran
27 Damascus University 12 Syrian Arab Republic
28 Sana'a University 10 Yemen
29 Dhaka University of Engineering & Technology, Gazipur, Department of Architecture, Dhaka 10 Bangladesh
30 State University of Bangladesh, Department of Architecture, Dhaka 10 Bangladesh
31 University of Santo Tomas (UST), College of Architecture 10 Philippines
32 Kyrgyz Russian Slavic University 10 Kyrgyzstan
33 University of Tehran, Faculty of Fine Arts, Department of Architecture, Tehran 10 Islamic Republic of Iran
34 Khulna University of Engineering & Technology 10 Bangladesh
35 Shahjalal University of Science & Technology, Sylhet 8 Bangladesh
36 Lebanese University - Faculty of Fine Arts and Architecture 8 Lebanon
37 Ferdows Institute of Higher Education 8 Islamic Republic of Iran
38 TOBB ETÜ TASHKENT 8 Uzbekistan
39 Institut Teknologi Nasional Bandung 8 Indonesia
40 Ton Duc Thang University 6 Viet Nam
41 National University of Malaysia(UKM), Faculty of Engineering & Built Environment, Department of Architecture, Bangi, Selangor 6 Malaysia
42 SRM SEAD 6 India
43 Sir Syed University of Engineering and Technology 6 Pakistan
44 Premier University, Chittagong. 6 Bangladesh
45 University of Jordan, Department of Architecture, Amman, Jordan 6 Jordan
46 American University of Sharjah, College of Architecture, art and Design, Sharjah 6 United Arab Emirates
47 Pabna University of Science and Technology (PUST) 6 Bangladesh
48 South East University, Department of Architecture, Dhaka 6 Bangladesh
49 Gazi University, Faculty of Architecture, Ankara 6 Turkey
50 Anna University - Tamil Nadu 6 India
51 B.S.Abdur Rahman Crescent Institute of Science & Technology 6 India
52 Lyceum of the Philippines University cavite 6 Philippines
53 Khulna University, Architecture Discipline, School of Science, Engineering & Technology, Khulna 6 Bangladesh
54 University of Saint Anthony (USANT), College of Engineering and Architecture and Technology, San Miguel, Iriga City 6 Philippines
55 Dehkhoda university Qazvin 6 Islamic Republic of Iran
56 Effat University 6 Saudi Arabia
57 Enghelab-e Eslami Technical College 6 Islamic Republic of Iran
58 REVA 6 India
59 University of Modern Sciences جامعة العلوم الحديثة 4 Yemen
60 Thamar university 4 Yemen
61 Balqa applied university 4 Jordan
62 Muhammadiyah Surakarta University 4 Indonesia
63 Polytechnic University of the Philippines 4 Philippines
64 Shahid Rajaie University 4 Islamic Republic of Iran
65 Khwopa Engineering College/ Purbanchal University 4 Nepal
66 American International University Bangladesh, Department of Architecture, Dhaka 4 Bangladesh
67 Tishreen University 4 Syrian Arab Republic
68 Far Eastern University (FEU), Institute of Architecture and Fine Arts (IARFA) 4 Philippines
69 University of Perpetual Help System DALTA - Calamba 4 Philippines
70 Indian Institute of Technology Roorkee, Uttarakhand 4 India
71 Universitas Kristen Duta Wacana 4 Indonesia
72 Bangladesh University, Department of Architecture, Dhaka 4 Bangladesh
73 University of Petra 4 Jordan
74 Raffles College of Higher Education 4 Singapore
75 Queen Arwa University 4 Yemen
76 Sarvajanik College Of Engineering and Technology(SCET), Faculty Of Architecture, , Surat, Gujarat 4 India
77 Cebu Institute of Technology – University (CIT-U), College of Engineering and Architecture, Cebu City 4 Philippines
78 Islamic azad university of tehran-west branch 4 Islamic Republic of Iran
79 Chungbuk National University 4 Republic of Korea
81 SMEF's Brick school of architecture, Pune 4 India
82 UOT - University of technology - IRAQ / Department of Architectural Engineering 4 Iraq
83 General Sir John Kotelawala Defense University, Southern Campus 2 Sri Lanka
84 Al-Zaytoonah University of Jordan 2 Jordan
85 Mehran University of Engineering & Technology, Jamshoro, Pakistan 2 Pakistan
86 University of Science, Malaysia (USM), School Of Housing, Building And Planning (HBP), Architecture Department. Minden, Penang 2 Malaysia
87 Leading University, Department of Architecture, Sylhet, Architecture, LU 2 Bangladesh
88 Khayyam University of Mashhad 2 Islamic Republic of Iran
89 Islamic Azad university of Qazvin(QIAU) 2 Islamic Republic of Iran
90 International University of Technology Twintech 2 Yemen
91 Chung-Ang University 2 Republic of Korea
92 Islamic Azad university of Tehran, North Branch 2 Islamic Republic of Iran
93 Kamla Raheja Vidyanidhi Institute for Architecture and Environmental Studies, Mumbai 2 India
94 Tehran University of Art 2 Islamic Republic of Iran
95 Thamar University 2 Yemen
96 Alsaeed University 2 Yemen
97 VIT University 2 India
98 University of Mindanao 2 Philippines
99 Technological Institute of the Philippines-Manila (TIP-Manila) and Quezon City (TIP-QC) College of Architecture and Engineering 2 Philippines
100 Universitas Lambung Mangkurat 2 Indonesia

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